Trump spoke in front of the UN assembly today on the subject of Korea. Courtesy of the Washington Post (one of the two centers of the destroy-Trump 80%-plus liberal media) :

While the portion that states what Trump did, and quotes what he said before the UN is essentially factual, the remainder often ventures into cheap shots rather than "analysis".

The fact is, multiple presidents have dealt with North Korea's nuclear ambitions and harsh rhetoric, and Clinton and Obama in particular engaged in massive concessions and "strategic patience" (i.e., doing nothing).

Trump is faced with the threat of an actual nuclear-armed North Korea, with the missiles to deliver them, and North Korea has not only threatened to fire them on Guam, but has fired actual missiles along that trajectory and range!
And Trump is criticized for using harsh rhetoric of potential consequences, of North Korea's annihilation, to eliminate that threat?

Short of following Obama's flaccid capitulation that only emboldens North Korea, I see what Trump is doing as the only real choice to protect Guam, our allies and the American people.