As for my "critical level headed review" of Trump's Asian trip, that's pretty much what was reported in the news. It's pretty much verbatim what he said. The domestic achievements he's made (now a 28% rise in the stock market since his election, an 87% reduction in illegal border crossings, the lowest unemployment rate since 2000, on and on) are likewise quantifiably true, for media willing to report them.

As for "[Trump] sided with the old KGB over our intelligence agencies", that is complete far-Left MediaMatters fantasy propaganda.
Trump's rebuilding our military and strong foreign policy is not something Putin/KGB welcomes.

It is in fact the Democrats, for DECADES and certainly Hillary and Obama, who have treasonously surrendered on every front, or when not able to make it happen, at least pushed for surrender. Hillary Clinton's illegal private e-mail server, that compromised national security and left her communications with other officials ripe for the hacking by the Russians and Chinese EVERY DAY she was secretary of state. Hillary selling out 20% of U.S. uranium to the Russians in exchange for 140 million dollars in Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation. That's far from a complete list of her, and the Democrats' treasonous acts.
And further, where Trump has the appearance of "collusion", it is often the Democrats who deviously set up the circumstances to create the APPEARANCE of Trump collusion. As in the Trump Jr/Veselnetskaya meeting.