What I saw of the quarterly indicators under Obama is while the "Great Recession" and TARP bailout happened under W. Bush in Oct 2008, the stock market and other indicators then tanked even worse when Obama was elected. It continued to go down and down over his first year or so, and when both the stock market and unemployment finally went incredibly low (5 million lost jobs in one year) the economy inevitably, in spite of Obama, inevitably had to go up and recover slightly.

But again, the U.S. economy never reached 3% annual growth during any of the 8 years of Obama's presidency. It is the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression.

Conversely, when Trump was elected, you saw an immediate jump in the stock market and other economic indicators, even before he took office, due to the anticipated pro-business/pro-growth policies Trump campaigned on. Promises he has kept, and is resolved to still implement.

Under Obama, it was said that we would have to accept 5% unemployment as the new normal for decades going forward. Trump has already brought it down to a fraction above 4%. In his first year.

Again, ALL the precedents for the economy are at numbers that have not been seen since 2004, 2001, 1999. Those benchmark lows precede Obama's presidency, so clearly Obama did not have lower numbers than those under Trump's presidency. Obviously. Clearly. Unquestionably. Quantifiably.