Another of my favorites, from DETECTIVE 427, just a few months after I began reading comics.

This cover was also re-worked as a promotional poster for the EERIE ART CENTER EXHIBITION that I saw in my area in 1982.
The best exhibit of comic art I've ever seen in a museum.

Pages by:

* Steranko (the title double-page splash from "Dark Moon Rise, Hell Hound Kill"),
* Wrightson (the 7 huge original pages of "The Muck Monster"),
* Kirby/Sinnott (the huge double-page spread from FANTASTIC FOUR 62, of the FF standing
in front of a giant TV screen, watching Reed Richards fall through the Negative Zone, with
photo-collage added for effect on the Negative Zone side of the screen),
* EC comics pages by Wood, Kurtzman, Williamson and Frazetta.

It was a fantastic show. What could be better to top it off than a Kaluta exhibit poster?

The old ladies who worked at the museum rolled their eyes at the notion that this could be considered "art".
That actually made me appreciate it even more.