Not as bad as it could've been.

No, seriously, I was pleasantly surprised. While it wasn't a great SotU, it was far tamer than some of the truly stinky oration good ol' Generalissimo Anaranjado's capable of pinching off. Factual errors, yeah, a few slip-ups here and there, yeah, but nobody has a monopoly on that. There was, of course, the requisite dog-whistling couched in terms of terrorism and illegals, but I couldn't catch anything egregiously bigoted or even especially tone-deaf. Lots of partisan posturing, but that's spot-on for a SotU - it's not supposed to be about the Prez but the party (or Party, if you prefer). Well, honestly, it's supposed to be about America and its people, but that went out the window quite some time ago. Every President uses it to grandstand, and everyone uses it to claim to have a mandate, so in terms of that, this one was executed to a notably higher standard than what I expected from DJT.


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