You seem to have an unwaveringly negative opinion toward Trump, where you don't seem to give him credit for anything, and it appears at some point in recent years your point of view moved to the liberal side of the spectrum.

Correct me if I'm not interpreting your views accurately (you don't detail them much) but you seem to be pro-illegals, pro-amnesty, pro-social spending, and eager to paint Trump (if not other Republicans) as racist.
I don't want to misrepresent you, but what specifically has Trump said that you would portray as "dog whistle/bigoted"/racist or "tone deaf"?
Those are some heavy-artillery words to sling around, particularly at a president, even if it's a bombastic celebrity president like Donald Trump.

I see Trump as laying out the issues facing the nation, and proposing some major concessions in his effort to reach a compromise and get legislation passed, for issues that have been stalemated for decades. Concessions that put him at risk, even with his own very loyal base(94% polled who voted for him still support his actions, but don't like the DACA amnesty offer for 1.8 million illegals).

Trump is a guy who has promoted minorities and women to high level positions in his company since the 1970's, before most other companies were. Trump (in the victory lap portion of his address) cited that he has vastly elevated employment in the last year for blacks, Hispanics and women, many lower unemployment numbers than they've been in 17 or 20 years. Or regarding black unemployment, EVER. Conversely, Obama doubled black unemployment.

I see Trump's rhetoric and stated goals as being more about America, about rebuilding America, that establishment presidents of both parties have been tearing down for 30 years. Trump has made promises, has fulfilled his promises better than anyone since Reagan, and is getting a remarkable amount done. Why are you calling him a bigot for keeping his promises and helping everyone, including blacks and Hispanics, more than Obama or W. Bush ever did, and by a huge margin?

I heard the same charge made by conservatives in the 8 years prior, that Obama was a narcissist and it was all about him, while his policies were hurting the country.
Arguably, whatever Trump's arguable narcissism, he is at least doing an exceptional job that is benefitting all of America. Trump is leading his party, and leading it kicking and screaming against its will to fulfilling its own rhetoric and promises on border security and illegal immigration, on creating jobs, rebuilding our military, restoring our sovereignty, and bringing manufacturing back to the U.S.

I fail to see how it is bigoted to secure our borders from an estimate of AT LEAST 12 to 20 million illegals. Trump seems arguably more compassionate and less portrayably "racist" than the rest of his party and less than the "racist" majority of polled Americans who want our borders secured.
How is enforcing the law "bigoted"?
If you could express where Trump is wrong, and clarify it in specific examples instead of vague platitudes and insulting labels, I might understand your point of view better.