Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham each gave a good overview last night of Trump's effectiveness in his State of the Union address, and of Democrats' loathesome behavior that night, just sitting on their hands when Trump cited the reduced unemployment for blacks, cited the threat of MS-13 and his proposed new policy to deal with it. There were four parents whose kids were murdered by illegals, who were in tears as they stood, and the Democrats didn't even stand and applaud FOR THEM!

I suspect Trump will rise in the polls, and Dems will see a drop in theirs, paying a price for their mean-spiritedness.

Especially good was Tucker Carlson's opening editorial bashing of liberal media for their contempt of everything most Americans hold dear ("Church... family...the police... military... the national anthem..." portrayed as just being white racist "dog whistles". Does it get any more vile and America-hating than that?)

Democrat leadership in Washington only PRETENDS to care about the same issues as middle class America, and then if they are successful in getting elected, pursue a radical cultural Marxist agenda that actually hurts the very people Dems pretend to care about: blacks, Hispanics, women, the poor. Trump has actually helped these people, and for that liberals and their deceitful brethren in the liberal media portray Trump as racist. For actually helping these people!