Like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, in THEIR OWN Saul Alinsky/cultural Marxist radicalism, neither they or Keith Ellison have ever renounced or apologized for their radical statements and actions. These people hate America, and eagerly splinter America along race and class lines to advance their anti-American agenda.

Trump, as I said, hired women and minorities to high-level positions in his organization since the 1970's long before most companies were doing the same. It's just a lying partisan talking point to accuse Trump of racism.

Under Obama, black unemployment, food stamp and disability enrollment >>>>>>DOUBLED<<<<<<. Black homeownership likewise plummeted. Tavis Smiley said 2 years ago that Obama has wiped out 4 decades of black progress in his 8 years, and that if a white president had done the same, there would be million-man black marches on Washington.

Under "racist" Trump, those numbers for black losses have been reversed in just one year.
Likewise women.
Likewise Hispanics.
Likewise the rest of us.
Under Trump