And interesting how you take unproven sexual allegations against Trump as fact.
While you simultaneously ignore or treat dismissively the ACTUAL PROVEN sexual assaults and rapes by Bill Clinton of Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick and others.

Proof to the point that Bill Clinton was disbarred and heavily fined for his contempt of the law his position as a lawyer and as a public official he was trusted to uphold.
And in the cases of each of these women, Bill and Hillary have continued to abuse, harass, intimidate and destroy these women's lives, careers and reputations for decades!

I don't see the slightest whiff of that where Trump is concerned. As I said prior when you posted the list of Trump's alleged accusers, most of those on the list are partisan silliness that doesn't amount to sexual misconduct. ("He walked through the Miss America dressing room while we were changing", "He looked at us like we were meat...", "I >>>FELT<<< like I was being raped..." ) It is so clearly a DNC/ liberal-media puff piece, and that list doesn't hold up to scrutiny.