Incredible, what's been revealed over the last few days.

Particularly regarding Rep. Adam Schiff, the Democrat weasel who is attempting to make himself the DNC's Joe McCarthy, in his false accusations against Republicans as "traitors" and so forth at every turn.

Today it was revealed that two Russian comedians called Schiff's office and spoke to him directly for 8 minutes. They told him they had nude photos of Donald Trump, and Schiff audibly was taking careful notes, and talked about meeting Schiff to give him the photos. And that's different from Donald Trump's meeting with Veselnetskaya... how?
Schiff tried to walk it back and allege he knew it was a prank, but listening to the call, it was obvious Schiff was taking it seriously and taking detailed notes.

Ah, the hypocrisy runs deep. Who's the "traitor" now, dipshit?

It is, and always has been, the Democrats, the party of consistent treason since the days of FDR, McCarthy, the Vietnam war, the Persian gulf war, the Iraq war, on up to the present.