I just heard former CIA field agent Mike Baker call for releasing all the information, because
1) the public has a right to know,
2) it's highly unlikely that anything in either the Devin Nunes memo or the Democrat memo contain anything that would put intelligence or agents at risk,
3) with the level of public spotlight on the redacted information, it will inevitably be leaked soon anyway.

One other point I've seen elsewhere is that FBI, DOJ and CIA tend to redact a lot that doesn't need to be redacted, for the simple reason that if released it will make those agencies look just as corrupt and stupid as they truly are, so they don't want it released only for that reason.

Rep Adam Schiff and other Democrats had a hissy fit a week ago about how "dangerous" it was to release the Nunes Memo. And when it was released, it was proven to be a completely false talking point, nothing damaging revealed.

I'm in agreement, pending a few days of review. Democrat or Republican memos, get it all out there, the public has a right to know, what these agencies have been up to. We're not talking about field agents or nuclear secrets.