Uh... more often than not, it's kids shooting other kids.

I haven't seen one of these incidents where any leftist call for gun control would have resulted in a different outcome. In the Sandy Hook, CT school incident, for example, the mother owned all the guns, and the shooter kid was fully trained in responsible use of them.

In the current high school incident here, the 19 year old kid purchased the gun he used over a year ago and passed, incredibly, a thorough background check.

A former assistant FBI director said this morning of all the missed opportunities and reported incidents with this kid, "he didn't just fall through the cracks, he fell through a canyon."

I don't see that gun control is the answer (and it's ironic that I'm a big 2nd amendment advocate, even though up to this point I haven't ever felt the need to own a gun). People have had guns in their homes for over 200 years. And yet something in the culture, not the guns themselves, are causing more such incidents.

Another statistic I saw is that 35% less homes have guns in them than in previous decades. It's not availability of guns that is the problem.