I think there's room to meet in the middle, but everyone's too entrenched to budge - and not even entrenched because of their attachment to a particular perspective on gun violence, entrenched simply because they don't dare move any closer to "the other side". One side's being manipulated by an organization which decades ago was all about reasonable legislation to reduce gun violence but is now only really concerned with padding manufacturers' profit margins. The other side is so swept up in old-media scaremongering over Scary Black Guns™ that they're willing to set dangerous precedents in the limitation of civil liberties for the sake of what barely even amounts to a Band-Aid of a solution. This isn't impossible to fix, it's just extremely complex and is a matter of "both-and" solutions, not "either-or". Lots of people will have to come at this from lots of angles to sensibly balance public safety against personal freedom.


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