The Tallahassee rally yesterday was about an hour, and it was followed the hour after in Washington by a meeting of survivors with Trump in the White House that ran about an hour too

Courtesy of YouTube, the full meeting:

This is what I like about Trump, that beyond the demagoguery hurled at him, he listens to all sides, is open to new directions, and is results oriented rather than just offering feel-good rhetoric. Although the proof is in what happens from this point forward. But over and over, during the campaign and presently, Trump puts himself at risk, giving interviews and "going into the lion's den" in places like MSNBC and CNN, in a way that W. Bush, Obama, and Frau Hitlery would never do. Trump likewise did so in this meeting. It was a risk that many presidents would never take. A lot of raw and unfiltered opinion.

We'll see where it leads.

I caught the tail end of a CPAC speech this morning by head of the NRA LaPierre that was a nice counterpoint to the above, and when it's available on YouTube I'll link it. He provided some surprising information. Such as the NRA was influential in starting the process of requiring background checks.
Polar opposite what the Democrat/Left says about the NRA advocating unlimited and irresponsible proliferation of guns, I've repeatedly seen NRA advocates and commercials stress their goals of responsible ownership, training, and safety in the use of guns.


NRA leader Wayne LaPierre, today at CPAC:

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2018-02-22 5:10 PM. Reason: Wayne LaPierre link added