The mother of a student who survived the deadly Florida high school shooting said her family has received death threats in the wake of the tragedy.

Student David Hogg and other survivors of the Florida shooting have made frequent media appearances in recent days to call for renewed action on gun violence. They have since become the subject of conspiracy theories falsely claiming they are actors who were coached ahead of their television appearances.

Hogg's mother, Rebecca Boldrick, told The Washington Post her family has received death threats online since the conspiracy theories surfaced.

Hogg has spoken out in recent days against the conspiracy theories against him, saying he is not a "crisis actor" but is someone who had to live through this tragedy.

Earlier this week, a Florida state lawmaker's aide was fired hours after claiming two survivors of the Florida shooting -- including Hogg -- who had appeared on television were actors.

Benjamin Kelly, an aide to state Rep. Shawn Harrison (R), emailed a Tampa Bay Times reporter after Hogg and Emma Gonzalez called for legislation to stop gun violence in an appearance on CNN.

According to Tampa Bay Times reporter Alex Leary, the staffer said, "Both kids in the picture are not students here but actors that travel to various crisis when they happen."

Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran (R) later tweeted that he fired Kelly.

Survivors of the shooting have spoken out in multiple interviews against gun violence. Some appeared Wednesday night during a CNN town hall, in which residents of Parkland, Fla. were given the chance to question Florida lawmakers and a National Rifle Association (NRA) spokeswoman.

Students in schools across the country this week have also staged walkouts and marches to demand action on gun control.

Well, it's not the first time.

Witnesses, for example, in Ferguson Missouri who testified in defense of officer Darren Wilson were threatened by their neighbors for telling a truth they didn't like. And Darren Wilson, who was completely exonerated, even by the black-centric leftists at Holder's DOJ, likewise exonerated Wilson, and he STILL got death threats, to the point that the Ferguson police dept had to fire him.

Likewise witnesses in defense of George Zimmerman. And as I cited at the time, dozens who white Americans were attacked nationwide by angry blacks immediately after the George Zimmerman acquittal, people who just happened to be racially white, in some cases black attackers saying to the white victims, "This is for Trayvon."

Likewise, the delegates who were to vote in the electoral college in Nov-Dec 2016 for Trump were also threatened. Just for doing their jobs as prescribed by law, according to the majority popular vote of their districts.

So, not unheard of. But still insane.

I actually agree somewhat with the haters, that at least some of these massive high school protests nationwide were organized dupes of the Left, manipulated as pawns to advocate gun control.

Ever since the 9-11 widows and Cindy Sheehan, the Left likes to pick advocates who it is deems a mortal sin to criticize or disagree with.
But, very important difference between me and the haters, I don't advocate threatening or hurting anyone. It's enough to simply voice my dissent. And that should be enough for anyone. I think it's cruel to threaten and further traumatize people who just days ago had a gun to their heads, and are still trying to cope in the aftermath.