Federal deficit concerns me.
Yes, it went up from 20 trillion to 21 trillion in the last 18 months. But Trump had to repair the damage done to our military by Obama. The economic surge from Trump's economic policy should increase the ability to pay down the debt as that rise occurs.

And I think I've been pretty clear, for YEARS, that it rising federal debt is not solely a Democrat problem, but of establishment Republicans as well, over the last 40 years.
But there is no denying that the debt rose an unprecedented 10 trillion to 20 trillion during cultural Marxist Obama's 8 years of crack-addict-level spending.

That said, I would like to see Republicans offer cuts to spending as well, and not just rely on "growing our way out". As I've said before, if any one of us is spending more than is coming in, we instantly cut out unnecessary spending. Under any president, I want a president who establishes THIS year, a policy that the government doesn't spend more annually that it gets in revenue. And where we start paying down the debt by 500 billion or so a year.

We've had this discussion before.