As I said in the Charlottesville topic:

And your constantly calling Donald Trump a "piece of shit" just underscores how vitriolic, emotional and completely unhinged your logic is.

President Trump has achieved more good for the nation in barely his first 9 months than Obama did in 8 years. And reversed and repealed much of the damage Alinsky/Ayers/cultural Marxist Obama (and Hillary Clinton) had previously done.

In roughly his first 6 months, Trump exceeded 3% annual growth, where Obama stunted economic growth with obstructionist policy to 2% or less in all of his 8 years.
Trump is rebuilding our military, has overseen a 25% increase in the stock market, has vastly reduced welfare and disability by creating jobs, has currently reduced illegal border crossings by an incredible 78% (!!!!) and has restored our international prestige by standing up to the Iranians and North Koreans. Unemployment is the lowest since 2001. Manufacturing is the highest since 2004.

And all you have is slander, in the attempt to tear down a president who is in opposition to the globalist/corporate elites in both parties, and for the first time since Ronald Reagan, arguably even more so than Reagan, is serving the best interests of the nation, and of its people.

I am daily awed at how this president has achieved so much, particularly in the face of such opposition, both from wealthy elites, from the obstructionist Democrats who will never give him credit for ANYTHING, and from the turncoat RINOS in his own party (McCain, Graham, Flake, McConnell) many of whom promised to repeal Obamacare, and then did the opposite of what they promised after Nov 2016.

Like no other political leader since Reagan and Gingrich, Trump is a political leader who made promises to voters, and has been committed to doing exactly what he promised.

And again, you hold Trump to a standard regarding extramarital affairs, and even SEXUAL ASSAULT and RAPE, that you don't hold to Bill Clinton, and enabler wife Hillary Clinton to. Hillary, who led the charge to slander these women, kicking them down to advance her own career. And womanizers/ sexual abusers Ted Kennedy, JFK, RFK, Gerry Studds and Barney Frank.
Among many others.

In light of your silence on these DEMOCRATS who did far worse, your outrage rings hollow and hypocritical, M E M.
And ignores that Trump has accomplished more than any other recent president. Certainly more than America-hating Alinsky-trained Cultural Marxist demagogue Barack Obama.