Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
All your making clear is that if Clinton had been a republican you and the GOP would have treated it much differently. Instead you literally have decades of talking about it and using it politically. Clinton didn't have lawyers like Trump does nor had everyone including exwives sign non disclosure forms. He didn't send people to parking lots to threaten mothers with babies. Clinton's adultery will follow him and his legacy. The ride is just getting started with mr. grab them by the pussy and his enablers.

I haven't seen that Trump's legal team is that exemplary.

I pointed out that Clinton committed crimes, WAY beyond just consensual sex or an extramarital affair. He was collectively fined in the neighborhood of a million dollars, he was disbarred. He was impeached, censured, fined. HOW IS THERE >>>ANY<< equivalency in that to the relatively minor actions of Trump?

Likewise, the Kennedys had money equivalent to that of Trump. And the Kennedys used bribes and influence to hide their sexual affairs and crimes. I'd further point out that both JFK and RFK won elections due to Mafia assistance (Joseph Kennedy's mob connections, dating back to his bootlegging and insider trading days.)

You take wild speculation and half-baked manufactured stories by blatantly anti-Trump sources as absolute fact, from two porn stars, no less, pornstars who were perfectly willing to take a $130,000 nondisclosure payment, and then 11 years later come out of the blue with wild sexual stories. Scout's honor!

Give me a break.

And for clearly documented events involving the Clintons and the Kennedys, you give a complete free pass.
For allegations that are ABSOLUTELY UNPROVEN about Trump, you accept unquestionably every word. This is a batant and desperate attempt for the Left to convict or at least smear Trump out of office, with any vile trick they can pull off. Most of the public sees that. Except for the far-Left/MediaMatters crowd, who have a long history of these kind of smear tactics.