Meuller is a Republican in name only.
Of 16 people on his legal Special Investigation team 13 are registered Democrats, 11 are donors to Democrat campaigns, several to the limit of what they can legally donate. Jeannie Rhee, as I said worked for the Clinton Foundation, and her job was to suppress FOIA requests for foundation records. The exact opposite side of the SAME ORGANIZATION she was/is investigating now. Hiring the fox to guard the henhouse.
I suspect Meuller is registered as a Republican to give the appearance of neutrality, to hide his true politics. No true Republican would overwhelmingly fill his investigative team with such blatantly Democrat operatives. But he is a Deep State/Democrat/Globalist operative. Hand-picked by Rosenstein for the job (ANOTHER Deep State/Democrat/globalist operative).

In the general population, what percentage of people ever donate to a political campaign? I would guess less than 10 percent.
And how many donate $100 or more? A tiny fraction of that 10 percent.
To donate $100 or more, or THOUSANDS in many cases, manifests a strong Democrat partisan bias.

And yet... on Meuller's special investigation, they are the overwhelming majority of his legal team.
Maybe Meuller didn't know in advance about their donations. He knows now. Did he force them to recuse, replace them with more visibly neutral attorneys?
Not a single one.
The Meuller investigation team is corrupted just on that basis. No matter what the final report, it will never be trusted as honest and neutral by 50% of the American public.