Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You allege corruption based on party affiliations and when it's a republican it doesn't count because you say it's in name only. Seems very partisan of you. Thank goodness that type of partisan rationalizing doesn't excuse Trump from any crimes he may have committed. It doesn't matter if the evidence is there if it's presented by law abiding democrats lead by a republican who you call a rhino because he's doing his job.

You haven't proven ONE situation with a Republican to back up your allegations. Not one.

I've demonstrated multiple examples of Democrats who have had extramarital sexual affairs (FDR, LBJ, JFK, Bill Clinton...) where they have unquestionably covered it up, made bribes, rigged elections, used thug intimidation.

If you are going to take a holier-than-thou stance that "your guy" Donald Trump is a "piece of shit" for ALLEGEDLY doing what YOUR guys the Democrats ACTUALLY DID, you might want to acknowledge that what Trump did (if he did it) is not a unique circumstance, and that your side has done it, and far worse MANY, MANY TIMES!

Rigging elections.
Having people killed.
Sexual affairs.
Financial payoffs to hide the affairs.
Sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape, not consensual.
Endangering national security with those affairs.

If it ever penetrates your thick head, those collective offenses that Democrats did, are FAR WORSE than what is alleged about Trump. Even if everything alleged about Trump is actually true, it still pales beside the far worse things done by Democrat presidents. And the allegations against Trump are far from proven.
I'm not nominating Donald Trump for sainthood. But your singular animus toward Trump is illogical and selectively ignores the known facts. And the suppression of prosecution of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their inner circle manifests that they are the absolute worst of the bunch. These (the Clintons, and their Deep State operatives across the FBI, DOJ, State Dept, CIA and NSA) are people who weaponized the IRS and intelligence organizations to monitor, and now destroy, their political opposition.

That is not just banging a pornstar for one night, or even paying her off, in the worst scenario.
These Deep State/Democrat players endanger the nation, and would weaponize government not only against Trump, but clearly against anyone who get in their way. I'm daily grateful the Saul Alinsky disciple and cultural marxist revolutionary Hillary Rodham Clinton is not president. We dodged a bullet on election day, whether you realize it or not.