No, YOU'VE made it clear that whether a woman is to be believed is about party affiliation. You absolutely won't admit that Bill Clinton is guilty of sexual assault (proven with Paula Jones, that's why Clinton paid an $850,000 settlement he knew he couldn't win). And also proven with Monica Lewinsky, that Clinton lied and lied that there was no affair until she produced the semen-stained dress and he could no longer deny it.

That makes other women like Juanita Broaddrick (a Democrat fundraiser, clearly loyal to the Democrat party, why would she possibly make up that Clinton attacked her), and Kathleen Willie and all the others. The fact that Clinton boldly lied up to the point he was beaten down with evidence, puts the lie to his denying these other women were assaulted by him.

Also, the liberal media ignores Clinton's accusers. Hannity in one of his programs went through the stats of how much airtime the networks gave in news coverage or interviews of the women accusing Clinton. Most networks it was zero. One or two gave a minute or two. As compared to Stormy Daniels where it's a portion of every hour, ongoing for weeks and weeks.

In the case of Trump, I already went through the list of his "19 accusers". To date, there is no evidence, NONE, that he sexually harassed, groped or came on to any of these women. And among the mostly silly 19 accusers, bending in for a kiss at a party is not sexual assault. It might be creepy (if it happened), but it's not a crime. "He looked at us like we were meat" in the Miss USA dressing room isn't a crime.
And as I said, it's a joke to include Ivanna Trump on the list, when she not only retracted her accusations (made during a bitter divorce, to humiliate Trump), but they are friends, and she even wrote an introduction to one of Donald Trump's books. She has said repeatedly that she felt rejected and betrayed, that she "felt raped, emotionally," not that she was actually raped. It is dishonest to include that in the "19 accusers" as if she was still accusing him 30 years after it was disproven and corrected.

And while you and the liberal media act like the "19 accusers" are equal or worse than Bill Clinton's RAPE, and SEXUAL ASSAULT allegations and PROVEN crimes, they are not.

Clinton's very serious assaults are proven.
Trump's manufactured smears are not.