I doubt Hannity would be so bold to say that if there were any records or evidence to indicate otherwise.

And Hannity in his April 17th program, starting at 10 minutes in to about 20 minutes, cited a long list of never disclosed relationships between liberal media anchors and network executives with both the Clinton administration, Obama administration, and the Hillary campaign.


George Stephaanopoulos
Jake Tapper
Virginia Mosely, Senior Vice President for CNN, married to Steve Nides, the former undersecretary of state for Hillary Clinton
Claire Shipman, reporter for ABC, married to Obama's former press secretary Jay Carney
Susan Rice, her husband worked for ABC news


96% of all journalist presidential campaign contributions were to the Hillary campaign.
Journalists from virtually every network (ABC, NBC, CNN, Bloomberg) attended a pre-announcement party at a key Clinton staffer's house right before Hillary officially announced her 2016 candidacy.
30 journalists who left liberal media to work for the Obama administration. (As reported by MRC.org, and also reported by the Washington Post)

Hannity also ccites the Democrat bias of virtually everyone selected (13 of 17 lawyers) for the Mueller investigation, are Democrat donors. And how that is only reported by Fox and conservative media.