I don't see any sources for what you said about black unemployment declining during Obama's term, M E M.

What I sourced is from The Hill, which a moderate and widely respected Washington DC newspaper about Washington politics.

And they said that during Trump's presidency, black unemployment has reached the lowest numbers EVER since they began statistically recording them in 1972. That would be the lowest in 46 years.

That means Trump has far exceeded whatever improvement Obama may have had.

And you still haven't answered: What EXACTLY did Obama do to improve black employment? Or employment in the U.S. overall?

If there was any improvement under Obama, it was due to sheer coincidence, NOT because he implemented any policy in his 8 years to actually improve jobs or the economy.
Quite the opposite, Obama's economic plans were calculated to INCREASE government dependency, and successfully doubled food stamps and disability claims, which the Obama administration openly solicited expanding enrollment of, even soliciting further enrollment with radio and TV commercials!

That doesn't sound like the Obama administration had any interest in private sector job growth. Quite the opposite, the Democrat plan is to get as many people on government dependence as possible, so they always vote Democrat, the party that keeps the freebies coming.