Remember that Ben Rhodes and Obama's key 2008/2012 campaign staff intervened a while back in the Israeli election, to try (unsuccessfully) to unseat Netanyahu. That was unprecedented.

That alone gives Israel carte blanche for whatever they did in response. The Iran deal (allowing Iran to develop nukes within 10 years) presents an existential threat to Israel, so combining the threat to Netanyahu's government through external Obama election intervention, along with the national security threat, Israel is fully justified in striking back at Obama officials.

And Trump as well is justified, given Iran's threat to the United States. Iran has already tested a missile in the Caspian Sea that has no other visible purpose than to be used as a nuclear magnetic pulse that could be launched from an Iranian submarine off our coast, and could wipe out 90% of power in the U.S., starving 90% of the U.S. population before power would be restored.

In light of that, neither Netanyahu or Trump have any apologies to make. The Iran deal is absolute shit garbage, and those who negotiated it and secretly and deceptively made the deal and gave $1.7 billion in cash without telling the American people, along with many other hidden aspects, deserve to be discredited. That money will certainly be used to sponsor terrorism. The Obama people who negotiated it have endangered all of us, just so they could make a deal.
A Neville Chamberlain-like worthless piece of paper, just so they could front the Pollyanna narrative of "peace in our time".