Obama has viewed virtually every event and issue through a racial lens, acting more like a racial activist than a chief executive.

Obama has branded the entire criminal justice system racist -- cops, courts, municipal judges, even jurors. He extends the same false accusation to landlords and employers, along with home lenders, car lenders, payday lenders, credit reporting agencies, debt collection agencies and on and on.

To hear Obama, even the most liberal among us are racist. He claims teachers and principals, who have eagerly embraced multiculturalism to a fault, suddenly are conspiring to shove misbehaving black students into a “school-to-prison pipeline,” where they have no choice but to lead a life of crime, thanks to suspensions and expulsions.

If we didn’t know any better, we’d think the president suffers from paranoia.

Our own polling picked up on this trend back in 2014, when an IBD/TIPP survey found that a stunning 46% of Americans thought race relations worsened under the man who was supposed to usher in a racially harmonious era, while only 18% said they had gotten better.

Even the left laments that Obama’s "vision of post-racial America looks even further away.”

Only, he never really had such a vision. His racist preacher gave that away long ago.

Obama poisoned race relations to help sell his "social justice” nostrums, unforgivably doing damage to trust in future presidential candidates of color.