By "responsible", you mean like... enforcing the laws of our country?

And stopping the flood of illegals brought about by Obama's DACA executive order and overall lack of enforcement, that has caused an overall six-fold increase in illegals since Obama became president?

As I said, illegal crossings were down by about 78% a year ago, on the mere statement by Trump that he would enforce U.S. borders and deport illegals. Democrat obstruction of that has resulted in a tripling of illegals in the last year.
The propaganda video shown in the liberal media, footage of kids put in cages and crying, was taken in 2014, video that was taken when Obama was still president.
It's just more liberal race-baiting and demagoguery, twisting the facts, to distort that this "crisis" is in truth rooted in Obama policy, NOT something begun by Republicans. Trump even offered the Dems a DACA deal that would have pre-emptively stopped all this 6 months ago.