Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
It might've also had something to do with half the Republican governors speaking out against the caging of children (which I wasn't aware was something one needed to vocally oppose to make sure others knew it's not an especially good thing to do) and/or pulling their National Guard assets off the border. I wouldn't be that shocked if there were a push to run one of those governors as an internal challenger to DJT's re-election bid at the next RNC get-together.

You are aware this happened under Obama as well? (Keeping new detainees in a chainlink-fenced area, so relatively few border agents could watch a large group of detainees they otherwise could not supervise, OR PROTECT from other illegal detainees, who are often drug traffickers, human slave traffickers or MS-13 gang members.) The difference is, that was aa president the liberal media did not want to report negatively about. And actually there more humane facilities under Trump, and the media has often shown footage of "caged" detainees from 2014, WELL BEFORE Donald Trump was president.
Are you capable of seeing the irony? When it was actually happening in 2014, the media had nothing negative to say about it. But now they show footage from 2014 to demonize Trump, despite that it did not occur during his presidency!

I'll grant that the Democrats have a nice propaganda war going on this issue, with emotional images of detained families being separated. And that emotional image is only possible because the media is at least 80% liberal, and selectively omits the truth. As I've abundantly posted, the true facts are there but largely unreported, so the lying selective omission liberal version is overwhelming the actual truth in the liberal-media air-war.

And the criticism of Trump's policy on the Republican side is all from the never-Trump wing of establishment Republicans who never supported Trump in the first place.

Trump's policy is right, the borders have to be secured. And they will never be secured without cracking down on this "Illegal immigrant families" deception and loophole, that allows criminals to rent other people's children to APPEAR to be families and to gain entry as illegals. Who are in truth drug traffickers, human traffickers, gang members, and others manipulating immigration this loophole in the law.
AGAIN: of 12,000 illegal children apprehended this year, 10,000 were unaccompanied by adults. And the other 2,000 were detained because it was questionable whether the adult accompanying them was actually their parent, or someone exploiting these children as a human shield to enter illegally, and potentially dangerous to the children they were with.

If the facts were getting adequate exposure over the propaganda images, national opinion would overwhelmingly support Trump's position. But lying propaganda is eclipsing the true facts. It is more humane to crack down on this loophole that allows tens of thousands of children to be exploited and abused, and end it, so there won't be tens of thousands MORE children sent as shields for drug smugglers, sexually abused on the journey, and often as not, human-slave trafficked into prostitution.