Originally Posted By: Sammitch
Guys, what's he saying? I feel like there's a chance it might be constructive and well thought-out, but I'm afraid if I actually click on it and see I'll be disappointed. I'm too busy this week to mess with taking anyone off ignore just yet.

 Originally Posted By: Knut
It's more of the same Phil. Long winded paragraphs that nobody is gonna read and YouTube clips to Fox news that nobody's gonna click on. You're not missing anything...

Your being a troll jerk is what's more of the same. I'm endeavoring to discuss the issue, and present sourced facts that are eclipsed by a media that is 93% partisan against Trump.

Since I'm one of about 10 people who still post here, and pretty much the only one who posts every day, how about not trying to destroy what's left here of actual discussion (vs. your troll antagonism that is the message board equivalent of vandalism.)