And if she passes away while a republican is president, you're going to see liberals driving their kids out to the desert for mass murder suicides.


That was funny to read, but I'm not entirely sure you're joking.

Ginsberg has been in poor health, so it's a very real possibility that she could either resign or die in office.

It does seem that Republicans look for a justice who will rule according to precedent and the Constitutional rule of law, even if it contradicts their own political views on issues like gay rights, abortion, gun control and Obamacare. Whereas Democrats seem to want liberal advocates who will vote the party line as a liberal advocate creating new precedents, rather than respecting the true intent of the law, and past precedent.

The one ruling that bothered me as a conservative Republican was over Obamacare, and that was because John Roberts, who clearly said Obamacare is unconstitutional should have been the vote to overturn it, but voted to keep it, because "it is not the job of the Court to overturn bad law" but is instead something to be decided in popular elections. Which was both voting on political considerations and not the law, and also passing the buck, on what it is the U S Supreme Court's job to do. And Roberts did it in two different rulings on Obamacare!

And of course, liberals loved that ruling, because by whatever circumnavigation of the law, it allowed the Democrat political victory of Obamacare to stand (the only legislative victory of Obama's entire 8 years.)