Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It wouldn't surprise me if he used language to a racist southerner but it was to get civil rights passed. He used the n word but what he accomplished for civil rights and the country was amazing. Black people were actually allowed to vote and when pieces of shit like Trump tried to keep black people out of his properties the government took them to court.

Actually, I've even heard many black leaders say that LBJ's passing the "Great Society" legislation didn't do anything but enslave blacks in a cycle of welfare dependence, poverty, breakdown of the black family, and ultimately, working the plantation as Democrat voters.

I loved the scene in the movie Bullworth where Beatty's character confronted black America about that.

I have never, NEVER seen an argument of LBJ's use of the N-word to benignly sell his racist friends on the idea, to altruistically advance black America. Everything I've ever seen about LBJ is he was an evil selfish Machiavellian S.O.B., and what was quoted in that last article I posted certainly doesn't sound like LBJ had any benevolent intent, just throwing a few crumbs their way to keep the "uppity" blacks in line.

As I cited on another topic, quite a few people (including the French and the Russians, in their own independent investigations) have come to the conclusion that LBJ orchestrated the assassination of JFK. That doesn't sound like LBJ was this great guy who secretly calculated using the N-word to elevate black America.

 Originally Posted By: LBJ the great humanitarian

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.