A National Review article on the truck attack in London last year, that details the history of the attacker, a criminal who was converted to radical islam in prison, moved to Saudi Arabia for further radicalization , and moved back to the U.K. to carry out his jihad mission.

Andrew McCarthy snaps into focus the larger context:

There is diversity in Islam, including millions of Muslims who adhere only to its spiritual elements or see themselves as more culturally than doctrinally Islamic. But when we speak of Islam, as opposed to Muslims, we are not speaking about a mere religious belief system. We are talking about a competing civilization — that is very much how Islam self-identifies. It has its own history, principles, values, mores, and legal system.

Islam, thus understood, is not non-Western. It is anti-Western.


Like the conversion of Masood, the conversion of Birmingham [a city strangled in muslim no-go zones, essentially densely muslim-populated colonies within the larger city] has been a function of this defining Islamic attribute. Individual Muslims may assimilate, but Islam doesn’t do assimilation. Islam does not melt into your melting pot. Islam, as Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna proclaimed, is content with nothing less than political, cultural, and civilizational dominance.