More evidence of the Democrat Party's radical anti-Americanism:

Behind closed doors, wealthy liberal donors plot universal healthcare, free college, and reparations

Basically, the American public hasn';t supported Democrats, so a few decades ago they came up with this idea to import a socialist welfare-dependent third-world electorate, that will vote Democrat if they give them free stuff. And as further consolidated, to spread the cattle who vote Democrat in states nationwide to tip the balance and make them majority-democrat. That brings about short-term victory for Democrats, and long-term damage, chaos and division to the nation.
The 50 counties that are most saturated with illegal immigrants have seen the greatest decline in wages, and the greatest increase in poverty.

Keith Ellison's proposed reparations are to admit as many illegals as possible, and make payment to the Mexican government to prepare even more to enter! At the U.S. taxpaying citizens' expense.

Among other insane proposals. Democrats seem confused about the fact that they are elected by taxpaying U.S. citizens, to represent U.S. taxpaying citizens, not the citizens of foreign countries.