Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Again, asked and answered:

During much of that time, Bush didn't control the House and Senate. Or by very narrow majorities.

As cited, Bush and the Republicans made repeated attempts to enact stricter lending standards, that would have vastly diminished or prevented the crisis. But Democrats obstructed them and called them mean and racist at every turn. Barney Frank assured us all that Fannie Mae was "structurally sound" and very strong, right up until the day it went down like the Titanic.

And then incredibly, blamed it on Republicans.

Again, the video I cited lists chronologically the multiple attempts by Bush/Republicans to enact stricter lending standards that would have vastly diminished or completely prevented the mortgage crisis.

I'm aware that Bill Clinton began his term with Democrat control of the presidency, Senate and House. And because he lied to the American people and did the OPPOSITE of what he campaigned on, he and Democrats lost the House and Senate for the first time in about 50 years. Clinton embraced Republican policy, and that's the only reason he was re-elected and had a somewhat successful presidency. If you ignore that it was during Clinton's presidency that offshoring of jobs escalated and most manufacturing from that point moved to China, the Haiti immigration debacle and military invasion, the Somalia debacle that unnecessarily got U.S. soldiers killed because they were sent in to lightly armed to defend themselves, that Clinton made a deal with North Korea that allowed them to secretly build nuclear weapons soon after W. Bush replaced him, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, not capturing Bin Ladin when he could have, not responding to the U.S.S. Cole attack, and neglecting investigation of the 1993 World Trade Center attack and ignoring foreign involvement that allowed another more devastating 2001 attack, and half-assed lobbing of a few missiles at Al Qaida that allowed them to survive, become heroes across the muslim world and emboldened them to more attacks.

And Frau Hitlery's failed attempt to socialize Healthcare.