Whatever. It is a fact that LBJ's "Great Society" spending has created a 50-plus year cycle of poverty and welfare dependency, and has exhausted trillions of dollars on programs that have made America more divided. Money wasted.

And the immigration reform act in 1965 has likewise destroyed and radically transformed America. As I've said repeatedly, importing a foreign electorate to advance globalist destruction of the United States, and the demographic annihilation of the white population that stands in their way.

LBJ was a cynic who lurched this country on the destructive path it is now on, and has been for 50 years since LBJ put it on this trajectory. The only two interruptions being Ronald Reagan, and now Donald Trump. For all Trump's vigor, I fear he cannot reverse it in 8 years. I hope I'm wrong. Huge national debt and importing a third-world electorate are the primary levers with which globalists will destroy U.S. sovereignty and reign us into a globalist system against our will. I set the primary blame for that at LBJ's feet.