So sorry for what you're going through Lance. Hope you do well with the chemo. They can do some amazing things these days that they couldn't just a couple years ago. And there are miracles, lots and lots of miracles. A coworker's father in his upper 80's was not given a very good prognosis. He was in his upper 80's and his oncologist said no treatment would be a totally acceptable choice for him to make. He was given about a year with treatment and whatever side effects. He chose treatment and did incredibly well and got 3 years. He was over 90 when he passed away and was able to live in his own home up till the last couple of months. I also have niece that had cancer when she was 2. It had pretty good odds for beating it at first but things just kept going wrong until my brother stopped talking about survival rates. Than they tried something that worked and now she's getting ready for college next year with clear scans for the last 10 years.

You have my thoughts and prayers Lance

Fair play!