Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow was on Fox News this morning, and with humor de-bunked the flawed logic of the Democrats' "Trump is taking credit for Obama's economic recovery" narrative.

Kudlow points out that Obama's economic team while in office and after Trump was inaugurated held firm to the "new normal" being 1% to 2% economic growth, that it was impossible to grow beyond that rate.

Trump took office with the determined goal of 4% or higher growth.
As a result of Trump's economic policies and slashing of crippling regulation, Trump achieved almost 4% growth his first year, and even higher this year.
Enter the lying Democrat narrative: It's only because of 8 years of steady economic growth under Obama that the economy is doing so well. So credit for growth under Trump really belongs to Obama.

Kudlow points out: If the Obama economic team didn't believe 4% could be achieved, and 4% wasn't even a possibility in their projections, how can they take credit for 4% growth, when it was ONLY TRUMP POLICY that envisioned 4% growth, and enacted new policy to achieve it?

Similarly the 97% defeat of ISIS in Iraq. The Obama team had limited rules of engagement that were actually getting U.S. soldiers killed, and making limited gains.
When Trump became president, Trump immediately lifted those restrictions, freed our military to do their jobs, and in a short time ISIS was 97% destroyed.