Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Nobody is forcing Trump to be a lying piece of shit WB.

A lying piece of shit:
"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan... "
--Barack Obama, 2013. Selected as "Lie Of The Year" by Factcheck for 2013.

On contrast, Donald Trump has kept more of his campaign promises than any president of my lifetime. And the few he hasn't kept have been due to the turncoat Deep State establishment/globalist actions of guys like John McCain. And Paul Ryan. And Mitch McConnell. And an apparently clueless Jeff Sessions.
McCain for me since he did it will always be the guy who hid his intentions and then at the last minute was the single vote that prevented Obamacare from being repealed as it should have been in 2017. That was pure spite, and not serving his Arizona constituents or his party.

The Democrats across the board are Cultural Marxist pieces of shit that undermine their party at every turn. I was recently reading a book about "Extortion 17", the helicopter shot down in Afghanistan that killed 38 soldiers, the most catastrophic loss of special forces soldiers ever by the U.S.
All because of political correctness considerations that superseded standard military procedures to protect our soldiers. When I read about stuff like this, it enrages me viscerally and truly makes me want to gut treasonous Democrat leaders with a dull rusty knife. But of course, unlike your party, I believe in the rule of law, and would never do that. While your party twists its authority in the style of Soviet officials, weaponizing federal agencies against its opponents.

It's a slow process, but I still believe that Strzok, Page, Ohr, McCabe, Comey, and even Hillary and Obama, will eventually face justice. It's a hopeful sign that over 25 corrupt members of the DOJ and FBI have already been fired, demoted or resigned, with more pending. With charges and indictments pending for criminal aabuse of power as well. But the wheels of legal procedure and bureaucracy sure turn slowly.

You strain to insult Trump, but the people truly doing damage to this country, leaking top secrets, getting soldiers killed, stoking racial division and violence against Trump supporters, are all on the Democrat side. And they are TRULY vile, America-hating lawless pieces of shit.