Media Research Center, Media Bias 101

The evidence is just overwhelming.

As with every president, he does have his errors and remarks where he resurrects issues that would otherwise go away. But I still prefer Trump's approach, where he fires back at media bias, rather than just ignoring it as George W. Bush did. Which in Bush's case made him look guilty, as if there was nothing he could say in his defense to deny allegations.

Trump, on the other hand, is a Republican who fires back and exposes the media for their deceptions on the public. And as G-man said, for their acting like a Super-pac of the DNC, rather than making any pretense of being objective journalists.
Let's look at this in honest perspective:

Ronald Reagan was portrayed by the media as an "amiable dunce" at best, and as a mean entitled rich guy who hated the poor, and was dangerously incompetent, for the entire 8 years that he REBUILT THE COUNTRY.

G.H.W. Bush was likewise protrayed as an entitled rich guy who was not smart enough to be president, and out of touch with the American people, too rich to understand the problems of average Americans.

W. Bush the media also hated and (despite that he was an outstanding and bipartisan governor of Texas who got a lot done) was portrayed as an idiot, another entitled rich kid unworthy of the presidency who only got there because of family money. And as exemplified by Whomod and the like on these board during his entire presidency, a hand-wringing evil plotter of "blood for oil" conquest of oil rich nations to control the world's oil supply and enrich themselves. Well, make up your mind, is he an idiot or an evil genius? Now they like W., because he attacks Trump. But during his 8 years, his press was comparable to the liberal media attacks on Trump.

Likewise John McCain, who Democrats and the media loved while he was attacking Bush and his fellow Republicans, all during the W. Bush years. Then suddenly, the media portrayed him as another entitled rich kid who wasn't that bright and graduated at the bottom of his class from West Point, who was CRAZY from being tortured as aa POW in Vietnam, who was a warmonger, who really wasn't that bright and would collapse the U.S. economy. After he lost the election and no longer had the potential to take the White House away from Democrats, suddenly they liked him again, especially when he was attacking Republicans.

Likewise Romney, portrayed as another entitled rich kid who was buying his way to the White House, and with Bain Capital, not only didn't understand working class people, but was actually destroying them and their steel worker jobs just to add more millions to his bank account. Another out-of-touch entitled blue blood.

And then Donald Trump, who they portray with all the same not-too-bright, out of touch, entitled blue-blood and racist portrayals they've used on every other Republican for 40 years. The only difference is the calls for violence and uncivility against Trump and his supporters. It's the same narrative used against Reagaan, G.H.W.Bush, W. Bush, McCain, and Romney before him, just with a greater call for uncivility (i.e., intolerance) and outright violence.
Because Trump is essentially a racist Nazi who is dangerously crushing freedom in America, pushign us back toward segregation, suppressing freedom of the press, abusing federal power, and threatening to start wars, right? So any uncivility, any violence, is justified, because you can't just stand by and let another Adolf Hitler seize power and take the nation down the same path to destruction. Or so the fanatic rationalization goes. A fanatic rationalization openly shared by many in the media, who think it is their holy mission to stop Trump, and openly say so on air. (Never mind that Obama was a far worse offender in every one of these categories, UNREPORTED BY THE MEDIA.

And most importantly, that abuse of power by Obama continues spinning out of control even after he's gone, with the abuse of the DOJ, FBI and other intelligence agencies, and abuse of the FISA court to spy on the Trump campaign and the Trump administration, abusing federal power to impement a coup on false charges against a sitting president.

So.... spare me the melodraama that Trump is somehow a unique threat to freedom, and mentally unfit to be president. That is what Democrats and the liberal mdia have said about every Republican since Reagan, and Trump is treated no differently, he just dared to get elected, and therefore has to be stopped.
It's all false narrative, and no substance. Because Trump, for whatever Twitter antics, is quantifiably improving the country. And all the true radicalism and destruction of Coinstitutional democracy, all the obstructionism and corruption, is all plainly visible on the Democrat side.

Discovertheenetworks, Barack Obama listing (as one example, that leads to most of the other Democrat radicalism and corruption. Unreported, of course, by the "Yay Team!" liberal media)