Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Well despite what you claim and accuse, I love America. I respect McCain's sacrifice and service to this country.

Sorry I didn't get back to you on this right away. I hope over the years I've made it clear that despite how we disagree, M E M, I still like you and enjoy discussions with you.

I don't think you are unpatriotic, I think you are firmly Democrat, and your unyeilding loyalty to the Democrats makes you unwilling to see or acknowledge the hate, Cultural Marxist ideology and Machevellian tactics of your own party. I think you are in denial about what the Democrats are truly doing, and choose not to see it. And I think you are too intelligent and politically informed to not see their clear deception and Cultural Marxism, unless out of loyalty to other aspects of the Democrat Party, you just simply choose not to look at it.

More directly, I believe you love America, and are not treasonous, M E M.
But your party is.
And by continuing to give them your loyalty, you are unwittingly helping them destroy our country. They undermine our border security, overwhelm us with immigration (both legal and illegal) doing long term damage to our national identity just so they can win elections in the short term with a new permanent Democrat majority, while destroying the country in the long term. They have destroyed our military that would have remained technologically superior forever if not for Obama's sequestrations. They are stoking racial division at every turn, splintering the nation for their own political gain (again, while destroying national unity, just for their short-term gain). Doubling the debt in 8 years. And until Trump, driving manufacturing and jobs overseas, because an unemployed American population dependent on government assistance is a reliable Democrat voter base. Trump has reversed that.

And I quickly add, the globalists and those just enriching themselves on globalist/corporate money infect both Democrats and Republicans in Washington. And the establishment Republicans are only slightly better, if at all, than the Democrats on many of these issues.

And then out of nowhere comes Donald Trump to throw a wrench in this and (i can't resist) monkey with this, to try and restore Constitutional freedoms and break up the two-headed globalist/corporate bipartisan monster that is destroying the country.

My hope is in Trump and in the Tea-Party-wing of the legislative branches, and in restoration of the Supreme Court and lower courts to a rule-of-law branch instead of a liberal-activist branch.

As I've said before, Trump is in truth not Democrat or Republican, he has in fact been both. Trump is essentially an independent reformer who was smart enough to run on the Republican ticket to win. And is pursuing common-sense pragmatic policy to reform what is destroying us from the decades-long corruption on both sides. And Trump has, quite frankly, far exceeded my wildest expectations of what he could do as president, despite the long knives for him at every turn from both sides of the political aisle.

Why you can't see that, from as closely as you follow politics, M E M, is a complete mystery to me. Even if you are completely relying on MediaMatters and the maistream liberal media for your facts, you should be able to see their version of the facts is a false narrative that has giant holes punched through it every day. Almost every day things are alleged by Trump in the media, and a day or two later, the media's account turns out to be completely false. As one example, Sen. Diane Feinstein alleged yesterday on the last day of Kavenaugh confirmation hearings that he has a history of allegations of sexual abuse going back to when he was a student. By the end of the day, 64 women, including one of his alleged accusers, voiced ssupport of Kavanaugh and debunked the story as completely false. Every network on a regular basis has been exposed repeatedly jumping the gun with allegations against Trump, and been forced to retract or at least ignore it. Many reporters and producers have been fired. An honest person would have to acknowledge that they are out to get Trump, and gotten it wrong almost every time. And that despite the media's unwillingness to report it, Trump has quantifiably better performance than any president since at least 2000, and has more accomplishments than any president since Reagan, or possibly FDR.

But hey, believe what you want, it won't change what Trump is achieving every day.