Originally Posted By: M E M
 Originally Posted By: WB

If a "tantrum" is posting three articles. I think your accusing me of a tantrum is your tantrum, and an attempt to distract from the facts presented.

And if Keith Ellison loses his current election, it won't be because the Democrats did the right thing. Quite the opposite, it will be because the Democrats did their damnedest to pretend Ellison's abused ex-girlfriend doesn't exist (her own words), the polar opposite of the Democrats' call for accuser Christine Blasey Ford to be believed.
VERY CLEAR: the Democrats just want Blasey-Ford to be believed, scouts' honor, without any investigation of the facts. They portray asking her to testify as victimizing her again. Because the "facts" are a house of cards that will collapse on investigation. Sen. Diane Feinstein gambled that the mere accusation would destroy Kavanaugh's nomination, but now that there are calls for an actual hearing under oath, both Blasey-Ford and the Democrat leadership are panicking.

But Kavanaugh has the right to face his accuser.

Blasey-Ford thought she could throw daggers and destroy Kavanaugh from the shadows, now she is being forced into the light. As are Senator Feinstein and the rest of her evil minions. Their deception is exposed.

Why are you assuming Ford is lying? I understand why you would want to but you really don't know.

1) Because it has been a consistent vicious last-minute Democrat tactic, going back to at least the 1991 Clarence Thomas nomination.

And unleashed on Trump as an October surprise in 2016.

And unleashed again on Roy Moore earlier this year. I'm probably forgetting the names of several other Republicans who withdrew their candidacy and immediately caved in to these tactics. Last-minute vile and baseless sexual allegations are a consistent Democrat tactic, from a Democrat leadership that is fiercely cynical, destructive to the nation, ruthlessly seizing whatever gives them political advantage, with absolutely no ethics or moral restraint.

2) Sen. Diane Feinstein knew about this allegation since mid/late July, and waited till the 2nd week of September to unleash it. That is not the mark of someone who is pursuing the truth wherever it leads, but of someone calculating a slanderous ambush to destroy a nominee, giving Kavanaugh the minimum recovery time to defend himself. And a deceitful delay tactic, to stall Kavanaugh's confirmation as long as possible.
If Feinstein believed the charges and were an honest broker, she would have investigated in July, and either publicly or in closed hearings given Kavanaugh the chance to respond.

3) Diane Feinstein just yesterday hummed and hawed before an interviewer, and said she "can't vouch" for the truthfulness of the allegation Ford is making. As Tammi Bruce ( a lesbian conservative, and former leader in NOW in their California branch, who abandoned liberalism precisely because of this kind of vicious liberal hypocrisy and deceit) said that Diane Feinstein gambled that the allegation alone would be enough to destroy Kavanaugh's candidacy, that she promised Ford she wouldn't have to testify. And now that it is coming down to Ford no longer being able to hurl her knives from the shadows, that her name is in the national media, that she is being compelled to face the man she accused and testify under oath for things she knows are slanders and not true, Ford is now panicking. She doesn't want to perjure herself. And now Feinstein is panicking, because her slander campaign is crumbling, hence Feinstein hums and haws that she "can't vouch" for Ford's allegations. Ford blinked. Feinstein blinked. Because it is a lie.

3) And from the outset, and for 3 months, it has been clear that the Democrat leadership has been hell-bent on destroying Kavanaugh's confirmation, despite Kavanaugh's impeccable personal and legal record.

For no reason other than he is Trump's nominee. Schumer, Durbin, Hoyer, Gillibrand, Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, you name it, NONE of these Senators were EVER going to vote yes for Kavanaugh. Or even fairly weigh the evidence before deciding to vote no. And clearly, not because Ford's rape allegation has any whiff of truth, but just because it has the potential to rationalize rejecting Kavanaugh, they are leaping on it.

This is way beyond politics, the malice with which they attempt to destroy Kavanaugh. And your vicious party does it over and over. Destroying so many people. Contrast their eagerness to believe this Ford woman with their eagerness to kick down and destroy Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey, who they WOULDN"T EVEN LISTEN TO, WOULDN"T EVEN READ THEIR ACCOUNTS INTO THE CONGRESIONAL RECORD! Oh, the irony.
And beyond that, looked the other way while these Clinton accusers were publicly destroyed and their lives ruined. Juanita Broaddrick talked about being directly threatened back in 1978 by Hillary Clinton, in an interview a few days ago, and described that encounter as "the first time I became afraid of that woman." 40 years these women's lives have been destroyed. Not the slightest Democrat interest in knowing the details of their assaults, or the threats and intimidation they've endured for four decades after.

So why don't I believe Ford?
Because it didn't follow a natural path of discovery and investigation.
Because of Dems' selective double-standard.
Because the sexual allegations are typical of orchestrated Democrat character assassination, across multiple campaigns and nominations.
And because your party has proven itself consistently capable of this kind of destructive evil.
And because both Ford and Feinstein have already blinked. Because even they know it's a lie.