Who is Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct?

Ford is a college professor

Ford is a clinical psychology professor at Palo Alto University in California. A biostatistician, she “specializes in the design and analysis of clinical trials and other forms of intervention evaluation,” according to the university.

Her work has also been published in several academic journals, covering topics such as 9/11 and child abuse.

Ford has also taught and worked at Stanford University since 1988, according to a Holton-Arms’ alumni magazine, the Bethesda, Maryland, school from where she graduated, The Wall Street Journal reported. She teaches at both schools in consortium, according to the newspaper.

The magazine also noted she is an “avid surfer, and she and her family spend a great deal of time surfing in the Santa Cruz and San Francisco areas.”

Her husband has backed her allegations

Russell Ford, her husband, also told The Washington Post that his wife detailed the alleged assault during a couple’s therapy session in 2012. During therapy, he said his wife talked about a time when she was trapped in a room with two drunken boys, and one of them had pinned her to a bed, molested her and tried to prevent her from screaming.

He said he remembered his wife specifically using Kavanaugh’s name. She said during the session, Russell Ford recalled, she was scared he would one day be nominated to the Supreme Court.

Ford provided a copy of the therapist’s notes to The Washington Post, which detailed her recollection of being assaulted by young men “from an elitist boys’ school” who would become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.”

Additional notes from a later therapy session said she discussed a “rape attempt” that occurred when she was a teenager, The Washington Post reported.

But suspiciously, Kavanaugh's name never appears in her therapists report of the 2012 account. And I'm sure her husband is another Democrat leftist radical committed to The Cause, who would say anything to advance his wife's allegations in an effort to cripple Trump.

She’s a registered Democrat

Ford is a registered Democrat who has given small monetary donations to political causes, according to The Washington Post.

She has donated to ActBlue, a nonprofit group that aims to help Democrats and progressive candidates, The Wall Street Journal reported.

She is also among the thousands of medical professionals who signed onto a Physicians for Human Rights letter in June decrying the practice of separating children from their parents at the border and urging the Trump administration to stop it.

Ford already took a polygraph test

Once it was clear that Kavanaugh was President Trump’s pick to replace retired Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court, Ford contacted The Washington Post’s tip line, according to the newspaper.

She also contacted her representative in Congress, Democrat Anna Eshoo. She sent a letter to Eshoo’s office about the allegations that was passed onto Feinstein.

After she retained the services of Debra Katz, a Washington, D.C.-based attorney [and committed Democrat partisan leftist radical], she took a polygraph test administered by a former FBI agent. According to the results shared with The Washington Post, the test concluded that Ford was being honest.

I still find it suspicious (1) that if she never planned to go public, and was only forced to go public by Senator Feinstein's office leaaking her name... why would she get a polygraph beforehand, if she never planned to go public?

And also suspicious (2) that her first call was to a Washington Post tip line, not to political leaders or lawyers.
And (3) once received by Feinstein, not shared by Senate Democrats with the Republican side. And (4) Feinstein, while not sharing information with Republicans, recommended a radical-left bulldog attorney IN AUGUST, to get ready to unleadh a blitzkreig at the end of the Senate hearings.

There are other allegations I've seen about Christine Blasey-Ford family members working for the CIA, and a lawyer brother employed by Fusion GPS. If I can find links to those, I'll post them.