Michelle Malkin: "Sincere" Christine Blasey Ford

In a 6-minute video, Malkin deconstructs what Blasey-Ford does professionally in the psychology research field, and how Ford's tesstimony doesn't gel truthfully with those facts.

Three new false assertions exposed in Blasey Ford's testimony:
1) she doesn't have a fear of flying./ She routinely flies all over the country, and all over the Pacific region.
2) she has past experience with lie detectors, to the point that she coached a friend how to beat a lie detector for a job interview.
3) the second door added to the front of her home that allegedly triggered her 2012 repressed-memory breakthrough, was actually renovation work done in 2008, and therefore was not a factor in her couples therapy.

It's all falling apart. And I'm starting to hear calls for all three accusing women to be indicted on perjury charges, and damages lawsuits for deliberate slander. And for submitting knowingly false testimony to a U.S. Senate hearing.