Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
the Hillary campaign did it has been debunked so many times. You can't even hold Trump accountable for his own birtherism or well anything he says or does. Dictators proclaim free and independent press as the enemy of the people. Trump regularly making that declaration should bother you.

I fully answered that above. Trump is not a birther, he just humiliated Obama publicly about Obama's evasiveness, and caused Obama to drop in the polls until Obama finally, after four or five years, to finally release his birth certificate, as every other 2008 candidate and previous candidate had years before.

Trump in a nationally covered power-play, humiliated Obama. That does not make Trump a birther. It just means that, as in so many other areas, Trump was able to make it happen and make Obama finally concede his birth certificate, where many others had failed to.

That was his opening shot on Obama.
He has deliciously followed through by legislating or executive ordering away virtually every last vestige of Obama's failed cultural marxist America-destroying presidency. Obamacare (defunded at least), The Iran Deal, repealing crippling taxes, slashing regulation, closing the open borders, rebuilding our gutted military, crushing ISIS in Iraq/Syria. All of it.