And I think you're a MediaMatters liberal zealot, M E M, who just reflexively repeats whatever the current liberal talking points are. With no regard for people like Kavanaugh, or Trump's family, Or Kirstjen Nielsen, or Florida attorney general Pam Bondi,or Sarah Huckaabee Sanders, or the countless hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Republicans who have been physically assaulted because of the demagoguery and slanders that your Bolshevik party daily fronts to deliberately stoke this Alinsky brand of crowd-intimidation and violence.

In the case of Trump's rhetoric, it has to be looked at through the perspective of two years of continuous Democrat/Never-Trumper/Liberal Media leaps to condemn Trump on everything he says. All Trump said is that the Saudis denied it emphatically, Trump did not say he belkieved this. I wish he'd just said Let's just wait until a thorough investigation has been done. But Trump made superficial and diplomatic public experessions of trust and friendship with the Saudis, regardless of what he truly thinks or knows. And what we ALL know is different than what we knew even 5 or 7 days ago.

AGAIN: It matters what Trump actually DOES, not what he diplomatically or strategically says in front of the media. And Trump has proven over and over to be pursuing the correct action and signing trade deals, NATO deals, factory and jobs deals, border security deals, despite the Trump hating media and establishment political claass fighting him every step of the way to victory.

Why would I trust the 92% liberal media, or his political esablishment opposition in both parties, to tell me the truth about Trump at ANY stage?
This is a very minor comment by Trump. You try being in front of the cameras 16 hours a day, and see if you wouldn't fumble your words once in a while. The difference is, when Obama did the same thing, the (liberal Obama-adoring) media simply didn't report it. In Trump's case, they shout it from the rooftops. Or simply manufacture errors when Trump says it flawlessly, and read racism or white supremacy into the narrative just to slander him when it doesn't exist.