All Videos(Compilation) Of Tragic Car Crash Into Crowd At Charlottesville VA Alt Right Rally

Comment after video:

 Originally Posted By: F M
Black people who were never slaves are fighting white people who were never Nazis over a confederate statue erected by Democrats because Democrats can't stand their own history anymore.. yet somehow it's Trump's fault."

You can also see from 1:47 to 2:15 in several replays that at least one of the Antifa guys were on the car, and were thrown off at the moment of impact. A fraction of a second after the impact, they are all over the car with clubs and thrown off a second time when the driver slammed the car in reverse and sped away. So... you have guys with clubs on your car attacking you.
Are you trying to hit the 32 year old female paralegal, or are you trying to accellerate to shake off a mob of Antifa guys clubbing your car?
Are you trying to kill people, or are you just trying to escape?