Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I've noticed that conservative movements and beliefs on Wikipedia are dismissively labelled as "conspiracy theory" even when they are at least partially factual and true. The part below about Seth Rich being a conspiracy is unproven but very possibly true. He had access to DNC files that were exposed by Wikileaks, was murdered "in a robbery" according to DC police, despite his wallet and cel phone not being stolen. Wikipedia is increasingly an arm of liberal social media along with Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Google.
But it at least gives a starting point toward understanding what you're referring to.

And visibly displays how the Left and their allies in the media want to dismissively undermine that conservative perspective entirely, to make it a "conspiracy theory" to even ask valid qquestions.

I've been monitoring the Q posts on 4chan and 8chan since OCT17. Of course, I didn't dare to hope that what the person was posting was true, but everything he predicted started happening, and all of his elucidations of mysterious events (see also: Las Vegas shooting) checked out.

Whoever Q is, whether he's a high level agent working for Trump or not, he's managed to propel his message into the mainstream from the lowly, but influential, dregs of 4chan and 8chan using insider information supplemented by modern memetics. The media's been trying like mad to ignore it, but they can't anymore. And so they've resorted to constant smears and criticism. That typically means there's more to it than meets the eye.


I was gonna start a thread on it earlier, but I've been too busy.