Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Lol, the voter fraud from the last election involved republicans down south and you didn't have anything to say about that. And Trump lost because his shutdown wasn't supported by people including I'm sure most of the workers he used as hostages. You know if he actually had that type of backing the results would have been different. Democrats made a mistake earlier on when they tried shutting down the government to force Trump to give into their demands. They at least quickly gave it up when they saw it wasn't working after a couple of days.

There was plenty more voter fraud by Democrats in Florida, in particular the Broward Supervisor of Elections, and as cited by Project Veritas in elections nationwide (as I linked in the other topci). Deception is a standard practice for Democrats, who lie to voters and cheat at every turn to win. As opposed to, say, Trump, who made promises and kept them like no other canddidate since Reagan, and Gingrich's contract wioth America.

In 2018, the whole time the recounts were being done in states and counties throughout the U.S., each recount the Democrats would gain votes! Always for the Democrats, never for the Republican, amazing how that works.

And California in particular...


No, while election fraud occasionally happens on the Republican side, it is Democrats who have made it a staple of how they conduct elections. Double voting, paying voters, voting multiple times under different names, or just plain pretending to be something they're not to get elected, and laughing at the people gullible enough to believe their lies (again, the Project Veritas video, of SEVEN Democrat Senate and Congress candidates, AND apparently in the video everyone in their offices are in on the deception and cheer it on.)