The Democrat Virginia governor, who campaigned on the Charlottesville unrest, painting his Republican opponent Ed Gillespie as a racist and advocate of white supremacists.... is the racist who (undiscosed which he is in the photo) either paints his face minstrel-show style and mocks blacks, or wears a KKK hood in his 1984 yearbook photo. His not-at-all-credible public statement this afternoon seems to indicate he's the minstrel-show black-face in the photo.

Either way, he should resign.

I'm actually of the opinion that he was young and stupid in 1984 and he shouldn't be judged by what probably isn't actually racist, but is instead a prank at a Halloween party that was just racially insensitive without a lot of forethought, and it should be dismissed as a foolish indiscretion of youth.
But given the assumption of guilt he and his fellow Democrats unleashed on his Republican opposition in the governor election, turnabout is absolutely fair play. On a lot less he railed on and smeared Ed Gillespie. Live by the sword, die by the sword.