And about lies from an administration:

JONATHAN GRUBER on Obamacare: "rely on the stupidity of the American voter to pass it."

BARACK OBAMA: "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon."

BARACK OBAMA: "Not a smidgen of corruption."

BARACK OBAMA: " If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan." (Politifact's "Lie of the Year" that year!)

BARACK OBAMA: "The police acted stupidly." (Followed by the ridiculous beer summit.)

JOSEPH BIDEN: "[quoting Republicans] 'Unchain the economy!'... They want to put y'all back in chains..." [Note fake southern/black accent.]

BARACK OBAMA and BIDEN on different occasions: Alleging there were "no scandals during our administration." Which, jaw-droppingly, whether on The View or CNN or wherever, anchors just nodded to, and didn't correct that there were IRS/Lois Lerner, Fast and Furious selling of guns to Mexican drug cartels that got people including U S Border Patrol guards killed, etc, etc.

BARACK OBAMA, HILLARY CLINTON, JOSH ERNEST, and SUSAN RICE, who were >>>ALL<<<< lying about the Benghazi attack being an Al Qaida orchestrated event, for two months up to and past the 2012 election, alleging that it was instead a spontaneous protest and not a planned Al Qaida terrorist attack. Even e-mails between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton prove that Hillary herself knew immediately and for that entire 2 months and during the attack itself that it was NOT a spontaneous protest that went spontaneously violent.

There is a lying collaborative Democrat party/liberal media narrative that Trump is somehow the ultimate liar and that statements from his administration are somehow way beyond the normal spin of past administrations. THIS from the Obama administration is aa maanifestation of the ultimate lies from an administration. Whatever spin or evasion from the Trump administration, it hasn't resulted in deaths, as occurred under the Obama administration. Obama's rules of engagement for soldiers, release of Al Qaida prisoners, condemnation of police that emboldened Black Lives Matter to violence, have all gotten people killed.
The media propagandize against the Trump administration, even as they fly cover for and give a complete free pass to Obama, Hillary and the Democrats. DNCNN. MSDNC.