More Frazetta goodness:

This one his beautiful cover for Edgar Rice Burroughs' A Princess of Mars, the first of Burroughs' John Carter of Mars series by Burroughs, and his first published book. This is for a 1970 new hardcover edition.
And I think one of Frazetta's most heroic and elegant pieces. Love that groovy 1970's title lettering! Frazetta became famous doing the book covers for new paperback and hardcover editions of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard books, starting in the early/mid 1960's and on through the 1970's when I discovered them. He also did many covers throughout the same period for CREEPY and EERIE. Virtually all of which were released as posters as well for many years, up into at least the 1980's.

I read an interview of Frazetta, and was surprised, up until he began doing those book covers he was making very little money, and suddenly went from earning virtually nothing (the reason he left doing comics) to lucking into book covers where he very suddenly was making enormous money. By the mid 1970's he was being touted as the most famous and successful fantasy artist.